Problems solved
My day-to-day work involves working across multiple internal teams, delivering and maintaining web services.
The teams I interact with often present a range of needs, and my role is to come up with solutions, and be the technical lead on the delivery.
This might mean I operate independently and build out the feature, like the database manager project, or it might entail working with other developers, like making a nested tabular component keyboard accessible.
Large images were making page load speeds terribly slow.
SolutionCreate a lazy-loaded image component to replace <img>s
Publishing elections results involved hard-coding hundreds of results on a web page.
SolutionStore data in a private database, and build an application to fetch, sort and display it.
Non technical staff exposed to code logic.
SolutionCreate an abstracted web component library
Advice staff have to manually enter collected data
SolutionIntegrate a third party API with our Node Js server
Multiple GSAP animations involving complex svgs was hitting performance
SolutionReduce svg complexity + lazy-load where possible
The quantity of website display ads was becoming unmaintainable.
SolutionCreate an automated landing page and an ad management system.